Our Promise to You.
We understand how difficult it sometimes is to make the first step in seeking support. That's why it's important to have assurances around the principles and values we are committed to.
We put our clients first, treating each person with dignity and respect, valuing diversity and individualism.
If there are any alternative services, from other sources, that we think might be more beneficial to you, we'll be open in discussing them with you.
Professional membership of the BACP
We practise in accordance with the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists Ethical Framework. You can access this by clicking here.
Commitment to supervision
Supervision is essential to how counsellors sustain good practice throughout their working life. It provides counsellors with regular and ongoing opportunities to reflect in depth about all aspects of their practice in order to work as effectively, safely and ethically as possible.
Confidentiality is essential for clients to feel safe and able to share personal experiences, thoughts and feelings. We will always endeavour to inform clients should we need to break confidentiality and this will be in specific instances such as to protect a client from serious harm to themselves or others, safeguarding commitments and when legally required or authorised to do so. For further information see our 'Privacy Notice' in the Policies section above.